Unique promo code FAQs
Can I connect the same group of codes to multiple ticket types?
Yes. Note that if you connect the same group of promo codes to multiple ticket types, the customer can still only use their code once in total.
Will TicketCo distribute the unique codes?
TicketCo will not distribute promo codes to your customers, so you will need to consider how you will do this. You might, for example, use an external email service to distribute the codes.
Where can I see if a code has been used or not?
Head to Promo codes under Organizer settings. You can search up the code you are looking for, and you will be able to see when it was used or if it remains unused.
How many tickets can the customer purchase with one code?
A unique code can be used for only one order. A customer can choose to purchase multiple tickets within that order unless you limit the number under the Max tickets per order field on your ticket type.
Can I upload the same set of codes multiple times?
Yes, it is possible to upload the same group of codes as long as the Type is different.
Can I upload the same file twice?
If you upload the same codes multiple times, the most recent upload will overwrite the previous codes and the new ones will be active. Should a code be marked as used in the system and you upload the same code again, this code would then reset and become available for use once again.