Customising your subscription offering
Now that you have your subscriptions on sale, you may want to make adjustments or customise the offering slightly. We will outline some ways you can do that in this article. Hop ahead to:
Changing subscription pricing
If you wish to increase or decrease your subscription price, you should use the + Price change schedule found on your subscription items.
Under Change at, you can select which month the new pricing should be valid from. The price will then automatically update on the first of that month and will affect all purchased subscriptions during that time. Input the new price under Monthly end price customer, and select the relevant VAT level and monthly fee as you normally would.
You will notice that once you save this change, you will be able to adjust the future price of the subscription, but not the current price. The reason for this is that you need to allow plenty of notice for your current subscription holders, and ensure that they are informed of when the new price will be implemented. In general, we suggest that you do not schedule the price change for less than 6 weeks in the future, so if today is 5th October, you should select December or later as the month under Change at.
Customising subscription messaging
As explained on this help page, the standard messaging system in our platform for subscriptions involves up to three payment attempts and two automated emails when payments are not successful. You can now select to customise this, and introduce multiple payment attempts and messaging through different channels. Remember that subscriptions have a few different statuses:
Green: Active, payments up-to-date and subscription is valid
Yellow: Active, but the TicketCo platform is still trying to charge the payment card (automatic handling of missing payments)
the dashboard pages for)
Orange: Overdue or outstanding payments, meaning that the subscription is technically still valid, but you need to select which actions or tasks to use to get the payments back up-to-date (this is what you can usePlease get in touch with us if you would like to customise the messaging and processing time for the yellow category above. We will then activate a new Messaging tab which you will find under Organiser settings. Use the Add new button to introduce a new message and day for an attempted charge:
Select whether you would like your message to be delivered via email or SMS using the check boxes at the top. Remember that text messages tend to be much shorter and simpler than email text, so in general, we do not recommend activating both options for the same message.
Next, select the number of days beyond the "next payment date" which this message will be delivered on. Importantly, the days you select here also reflect when attempted charges will be made. Input your message text under Message, then hit Submit.
Using the example above, one day after the subscription payment is overdue, there will be a retry and if unsuccessful, the message "We were unable to take..." will be delivered via email. The following day, if another attempt fails, an email and an SMS will be delivered. A final email and text will be sent if a fourth payment attempt on day 20 is unsuccessful. You can always Edit the messages once you have saved them, and can introduce new ones.
Emails will be delivered with your organiser branding included, as well as a summary of the subscription items and link to Your subscriptions page. Here you can see how the final email on day 20 will be delivered:
Please note that activating and setting up your own subscription communication under Messaging will overwrite our standard system of two charges three days apart, so ensure that you have a clear idea of what pattern and messaging you would like to use before getting started.
Upgrading subscription types
You may need to upgrade subscription types for some customers, for example in the case where someone moves from Child to Adult prices, or if they want to upgrade to some better seats. Using the Edit button on the All Subscriptions dashboard will allow you to make these changes:
You can add a note which will be saved in the subscription journal, and then use the drop-down menu under Item type to select the new subscription type that should be applied.
Note you will only be able to select items within the same price zone as the seat(s) for the subscription. Click Save when you are ready, and this will register the change in the actions journal and subscription report page. A confirmation email similar to this will be sent to the subscriber:
In the subscription report page, the planned upgrade will be saved as a separate line marked with "Future". This indicates a future price which will take effect just before the next recurrent payment is due.
Once the switch is made, the old price will be marked as "Modified" on the report page, and the subscriber will be charged at the new rate moving forwards.