Connecting and creating price zones
The Price zones feature is where you can assign certain ticket types to certain zones or areas in your seat map. You might, for example, have a VIP section in your map and you would like your VIP tickets to only be available for sale in this section.
What are price zones?
If you informed us that we should divide your map up into certain sections when you ordered your map, we will have created these sections, or "zones", which you will find under the Price zones tab. You can think of these price zones as different areas/sections of your map. Adding these sections to a certain ticket type will mean that the ticket is available for purchase on the seats in that zone.
Connecting price zones to your tickets
To connect the different zones in your map to your ticket types, select the ticket types under Your items (2). Under Available price zone to add (4), use the blue arrow, circled in the image above, to add the zone to the ticket.
Price zones added to the item (3) shows which zones are already added. The number of zones added is displayed next to the ticket type in the small grey box. If this box shows 0, this means that the ticket type is not available for sale.
To remove a zone, use the small red cross under Price zones added to the item (3).
Creating a new price zone
If you want to create your own price zone outside of the ones already in the system, select New price zone (1). You will then be able to name the price zone and select which ticket types you would like to attach to it. You can also choose a custom colour for the price zone in order to highlight it on the map. Click Create when you are ready.
You might want to do this if you have a some restricted view seats, or some premier tickets for the front row, which you want to charge a different rate on. First, you should set up the ticket types with their prices under the Ticket types tab, then you create your new price zone. Here's an example:
We have created a price zone called "Front Row VIPs" and added it to our Members ticket type. Next we need to mark out which seats on the map are a part of this new price zone. Go to Seating arrangement and highlight the relevant seats.
You can click and drag the mouse to highlight multiple seats at a time.
Using the menu on the right hand side of the page, select Price zones and choose the relevant zone from the list, which in this case is "Front Row VIPs". Then hit Save.
This means that customers who select the Members ticket type, will be prompted to select their ticket from the first row; and those who click on seats in the first row will get the option of purchasing the Members ticket type. You can also see that the colour of the seats has updated accordingly:
Searching for price zones
You can use the "Price Zone" drop-down search field to quickly find what you need! Enter what you are looking for in the first search field and then click on the second search field and your results will be shown. Your results will be shown in alphabetical order.
For example: If you type in ''Block'', the results will show you all areas that have 'block' included in the name.
Ordering and arranging tickets
Where you previously would have used Groups to order and arrange tickets when you did not have a seat map, you will now use Price zones. Click the three lines on a ticket type and then drag it over the other tickets to the desired position.