Editing daily events
Once you have set up your time slot event, you may want to review, edit and monitor your daily events. Remember that creating your time slot event essentially means creating a macro event which automatically gets copied across for all the days within your Date range (under Schedules).
Navigating to daily events
In order to find information for a specific daily event, you can either go to Dashboard and then select the relevant date, or you can head to Events, and then select your time slot event. You can then click on Daily Events and select the relevant date from the calendar view or the list below.
Editing a daily event
If you want to customise your event information, perhaps by altering the description or adding a different image, you can do this by navigating to the relevant daily event and making changes directly on that event. You might also want to activate the Exclude from Macro Edits checkbox so that any changes you make on your macro event will not be applied to your daily event.
Click Save once you have made your changes.
This can be useful if you are having a themed event one day, or if you need to update event details e.g. if parking might be limited on a specific day. |
Note that any chances or updates made to your macro event will automatically be applied to all of your daily events, unless a daily event has Exclude from Macro Edits activated.
Capacities on a daily event
Selecting Capacities on a daily event will appear differently from on your macro event. Here you will see your capacities arranged in order, with ticket types grouped into those capacities:
If you know that you have a reduced or increased capacity on a certain time slot on a daily event, then you can edit it here.
Selecting Report on a daily event will display a screen similar to this:
Here you can see a Capacity report, showing an overview of ticket purchases per capacity and time slot, as well as the number of tickets which have been scanned in per slot.
You can select Items report and Sales report to view tickets purchased on a particular day and a sales summary for that day.
Use the Switch date tool to easily jump from one daily event to another without having to go back to the macro event each time.
Changing the schedule on a specific day
If you need to edit your time slot schedule for a specific day, you can download the XLS file and fill it in.
Note that the file must be filled in with text, so make sure to set the cells to data type text. If the spreadsheet has any cells formatted as "date", "currency" or any other type, this will cause an error.
- Download the XLS template found at the bottom of this help doc.
- Fill in the time slots by entering the relevant times under Start and End.
- Under Capacities, fill in which capacities need to be activated for each slot, remembering to type them so that they match the capacities on your macro event. If you have multiple capacities, you should separate them with a comma.
- Under Ticket Types, fill in which ticket types need to be activated for each slot, remembering to type them so that they match the ticket types on your macro event. If you have multiple ticket types, you should separate them with a comma.
- Save the file, then find your specific daily event.
- Click on Schedule.
- Click on Browse and select your file.
- Now you can do a Dry Run (a kind of test run).
- If the Dry run was unsuccessful, you will see an error message in the upper right corner (in red). In that case please double check your file for any typos, extra spaces, names of ticket types & capacities. Remember that all of these should be exactly the same as those you have on your main event with every small or capitalised letter, space, etc.. Once corrected, attempt the Dry Run again.
- When successful, you should see the green message in the upper right corner informing you of how many slots will be created.
- If the numbers are matching what you had expected, you can browse for the file again, but this time use the Apply change button.
- Your changes should be now applied. Please check in your capacities and preview the event to ensure everything is in order.
- If you are changing multiple daily events, you have to prepare a separate spreadsheet for each day (or if you have the same changes to for example all events Mon-Thu and then for Fr-Sun, you need at least two documents).
If you have issues with the file outside of the common issues explained here, consider exporting the file as a .xlsx file and proceed from point #6 again.
If there are any issues you are unable to resolve yourself, please contact us via support@ticketco.net. Please attach the file you had issues with, and let us know which days you need help with.