Seat maps with unnumbered areas
If you have ordered a seat map which includes a free seating area, or an unnumbered area, you should be careful how you treat this section when it comes to event capacity. You should bear in mind that the capacity of the section is a setting built into the map itself.
Capacity is assigned to the unnumbered area
When creating the map, a capacity will have been assigned to the unnumbered area. This capacity is the maximum number of tickets which can be sold in that area.
In the example above, this means that Block-1 can hold a maximum of 320 tickets, and Block-10 can hold a maximum of 660 tickets. This applies for every event and season pass using the map. That is to say that this capacity cannot be exceeded on any event using this map.
Limiting sales in an unnumbered area
If you want to limit the number of tickets on sale for this block, you could:
1) Limit the number of tickets available if you have assigned a specific ticket type to the area. This will mean that if you have set your number of available Block-1 tickets to 200, then only 200 will be available for sale in that area.
2) Create a reservation under Admin sales so that the tickets are reserved and not available for sale. You can always delete or edit the reservation later if needed. If you wanted to limit Block-1 to 200 tickets for a specific event, this would then mean reserving 120 tickets in Admin sales.
Increasing capacity of an unnumbered area
If you need to adjust the capacity of an unnumbered area more permanently, please register a request with so that we can get that updated for you.
For a short term solution, or if you have already started selling tickets on an event using your map, you can use the following work around:
- Set up a separate event for that specific area.
- Do not assign the map to this new event, but control the capacity under Ticket types.
- As long as the event start and end dates and times are correct, you will be able to scan tickets to the extra event together with tickets to the mapped event.