Collecting more information from your ticket buyers
If you need to collect more information from the people buying your tickets, or if you need to ask your audience certain questions, you can do this by using the Questions module. This feature lets you ask your ticket buyer about as t-shirt size if you are selling merchandise, food allergies or other information you may need to keep your event running smoothly.
Adding questions to your tickets
To add a question to a specific ticket, simply go into the event in question, and then go to Questions. Here you can click the Create New Question button.
There are a few settings for your questions that you need to set up. These are:
This is the wording of your question. "Which size would you like?" or "Do you have any food allergies we should know about?" are good examples.
Answer type
Here you select how your customers can respond. The options are:
- Radio button - a list of options where the shopper can select one or more options from the list.
- Free text field - a text box that can be freely filled in.
- Dropdown menu - a list of options where the shopper selects a single option.
- Checkbox - a checkbox the shopper can tick off before proceeding.
- Date - a date picker which allows customers to type a date or choose on a calendar.
- Address - a series of text boxes designed to accommodate a couple of address lines and a post code.
Obligatory question
If you tick this box your question will be obligatory to answer in order to complete the purchase. This means that the shopper has to answer the question in some way before being allowed to purchase the ticket.
If you make a checkbox question obligatory it will function much like a terms and conditions box where the customer has to tick the checkbox in order to continue.
Ask once
If you select this, the question will only be asked once for the whole order rather than once per ticket type. If you want to ask about menu options for a food item, it would make sense to leave "Ask once" unchecked, so that you can see the menu options for each food item in the order. However, if you want to collect an address for sending items directly to a customer, you will want to activate "Ask once" so that the ticket buyer does not need to fill in their address multiple times.
Note that when "Ask once" is activated, the answer provided will be saved for each item within the order.
Here you can provide the shopper with different options such as the different t-shirt sizes. This field is not visible for checkbox or free text questions. If you have multiple answers, such as in a drop-down menu or radio button, you can now select to sort them alphabetically:
Ticket types
The last setting is deciding which tickets should be asked this question. For instance, in the t-shirt example you would only select the ticket that includes the t-shirt.
Sorting Questions
If you would like to sort questions in a specific order, you can do this in a drag and drop fashion. Click on the icon at the right hand side of the questions and drag and drop them in the order that you want.
Reports for your questions
Answers to your questions will be available in three places:
1. In the Questions tab in your event. This gives you an aggregated report showing how many people have given each answer. This is great for things like t-shirt sizes where you need to see how many t-shirts of each size you need to produce.
2. In the event report spreadsheet-file. The question data is included in the spreadsheet-file you can download from Report in your event. In this report all the questions and their answers are stored in the same cell and can therefore be tricky to work with.
3. In the question specific spreadsheet-file. If you go to Questions in your event, you'll be able to download a spreadsheet showing all your ticket buyers with each question in its own separate column. This is great for when you need a more granular view of your customers and what options they have selected.